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Fodi: The Forums => Off The Beaten Path => Topic started by: Lindsay on August 04, 2007, 02:08:03 AM

Title: heheehee
Post by: Lindsay on August 04, 2007, 02:08:03 AM
Wowo, twaht's in this tequilaa/ This margarita is beign veyr kind to me. I should introduce myself, dont' you think? We're not even on a first name basis yet. I think I'll call it Monty because that soudns like a very likeable name. A very sltuty likeable name.I think he likess me,/ I thinklk I confufsed 1/33 with 1.2. Oopppsy! And now I feel a liottle silly.Gravityationsla force is totaly screwd up tognith. Bad earht! Badd! Hehhhehhh. I thiikn i;m a clooset claustiophobiic.hhahahaha. closet clausutirphibc. I;lm goona go dance otuside in the roaad with mionty.; Man,t hsi keyboardd is do not workign proeprly tonight. I;vee ben reding teEd Bellls serieees on aleex Hawke and therre are qutrie a few sxual scenes. Eitherr Monsiir Bel is vry imaginattive or misusss Belel is a bit off a sllut. No offns. Mrrs belll;!

hehh. if quizzsxs are quzical then whatt are tessts/

i amm so much fuin, I need a clon ..... anyhwasys bye bye. friemds!