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Fodi: The Forums => News => Topic started by: Matt on May 12, 2007, 08:28:30 PM

Title: Facebook
Post by: Matt on May 12, 2007, 08:28:30 PM
I made a Facebook account ages ago when Chris from Hockey Zombie ( tried to add me as a friend.  Thin I promptly forgot about it.  My wife decided that this must change.  So you can find me on Facebook here (

You may also join the Eyeskream Comics ( group if you like.

You should also join the greatest facebook group ever created: If this group reaches 4,294,967,296 it might cause an integer overflow (

If you add me as a friend, please also send me a message letting me know you read the comic, because I like to know I'm not adding a completely random stranger as a friend.
Title: Re: Facebook
Post by: Steve on May 14, 2007, 10:13:38 PM
I made a Facebook account ages ago when Chris from Hockey Zombie ( tried to add me as a friend.  Thin I promptly forgot about it.  My wife decided that this must change.  So you can find me on Facebook here (

omg, lolz, you should totally friend me


The company I work for deals with the so-called "social media" and the whole "web 2.0" stuff... so sadly I logged in to facebook for the first time since the last time Lindsay made me (back when I was still IN school). I've been trying to convince one of the guys at work that we need an official company MySpace, just to annoy him.
Title: Re: Facebook
Post by: Matt on May 15, 2007, 07:18:39 AM
The one plus of facebook is that I can join the International League of Pedants group.

Title: Re: Facebook
Post by: Lindsay on May 15, 2007, 04:10:33 PM
Hey, now. I don't normally do the fad stuff. Most are really stupid, but I actually think Facebook can be a really great resource. Really, I'm serious. Maybe I just feel differently than most people because most people go to school within a few hours of home or whatever, but I've been transplanted 1000 miles away from home and it's really helped me to stay in touch with people in Indiana when I'm in Boston and vice versa during the summer and Christmas break when I'm back in Indy. Also helps me get people's emails, phone numbers, etc. when I need to contact them about a party or about schoolwork because I'm not in the habit of asking people for their phone number. I have never had a conversation with someone involving the exchange of phone numbers, emails or AIM screen names that wasn't awkward. Granted, I'm normally the one being asked, BUT IT'S STILL AWKWARD & WEIRD.

I do hate the new Facebook, though. It allows for easy stalking, and that creeps me out. People change ANYTHING and you know. Unless they change the privacy measures, but some people (like yours truly) are too frigging lazy to bother to.

However, you can look up people that you just met or whatever and look at their info and the groups they're in. Helps give you an idea of what kind of a person they are, and makes you realise early on that you should immediately cease communication with them. (The fact that I just said that makes me think that I've been dating a certain someone for way too long.) 
Title: Re: Facebook
Post by: The Dark Agent on July 18, 2007, 06:45:26 PM
This is The Agent speaking...

Sure, I'll friend you on my Stalkbook account.  Steve's been on my friend list for about a year. 
Title: Overview
Post by: Visitor321 on July 20, 2007, 05:43:11 AM
I have visited your site 855-times