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Fodi: The Forums => Off The Beaten Path => Topic started by: Steve on August 23, 2006, 06:12:18 PM

Title: Community ideas
Post by: Steve on August 23, 2006, 06:12:18 PM
aside from sprucing up the forums a bit, does anyone have suggestions for some things we could do to increase the "fan community" experience?
Title: Community ideas
Post by: Lindsay on August 24, 2006, 02:30:20 PM
Get Jensen Ackles as your spokesman. More importantly, get him to post on the forum. I would never leave. Ever. I'd post all day long, about anything and everything, even things I don't like to talk about. Like computers and technology and cars. And throwing myself at him and making marriage proposals to him left & right... but I'll try to keep that to PM. Try being the key word.

Uhm. Yeah. That's my idea.

Or get a fan to come over to my house and pack for me. Anyone willing? Anybody? I've got cookies and ice cream and lots of alcohol. No one can turn down cookies, ice cream and alcohol. That's biologically impossible.

(The joy of Steve not being online! I can take breaks! And not pack! And he's none the wiser! No stern lectures about packing! Blissful, blissful procrastination with cookies & milk! And no packing!)
Title: Community ideas
Post by: Steve on August 24, 2006, 03:31:06 PM
Hey. You should be packing.  :P
Title: Community ideas
Post by: Shawna on August 24, 2006, 08:44:18 PM
Quote from: "Steve"
Hey. You should be packing.  :P

Ugh, I've done a lot of packing this week - but I was only helping my sisters - one's going off to college, the other is redoing her room (that she has always shared with the one that's leaving).  Packing's not too bad, it's the fact that you know you're going to have to find a spot for everything once it's *un*packed.  :)
Title: Community ideas
Post by: Lindsay on August 25, 2006, 12:15:56 PM
Quote from: "Shawna"
Ugh, I've done a lot of packing this week - but I was only helping my sisters - one's going off to college, the other is redoing her room (that she has always shared with the one that's leaving).  Packing's not too bad, it's the fact that you know you're going to have to find a spot for everything once it's *un*packed.  :)

Oh, that's not a problem at all. I have a single which is actually a bit bigger than my room at home. And Steven's moving me in, which means he has to help me unpack & organise, which really means that I'll put stuff in the closet and make him fold everything and put them in the drawers because I can't fold worth a darn and he's 10x more domestic than I am. Oh, and he has to mess with the cords & cables and all that crap. And make my bed because I'm bad at that with a feather mattress pad & an eggcrate mattress thingy-ma-bobber. Wow. Sucks to be Steven.

I wish I had a nice sister who would help me pack. Heck, I'd settle for a sister who didn't hate my very existence. We could work on the nice part... maybe.
Title: Community ideas
Post by: minignome on September 01, 2006, 02:13:17 AM
Screw packing, do what I did.  I threw some stuff in two bags, grabbed my laptop and a book and moved from CT to Hong Kong.  It's so simple when you take absolutely nothing.