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Fodi: The Forums => News => Topic started by: Matt on April 20, 2006, 06:59:00 PM

Title: BrAAaIIiiinNsss! (And Incentive News)
Post by: Matt on April 20, 2006, 06:59:00 PM
Pencil work on the next character incentive is complete.  It is a character last seen way back in Fodi Classic. Shocking!  You can see that by voting here (  THe Zita incentive can be seen by voting at buzzComix using the other button above the comic. Yada yada.

This character in the incentive also has a shirt.  The shirt can be found in my shop (  It is a pretty nifty shirt.

Since it seems the thing for webcomic creators to do, I have a livejournal (  I've had the livejournal for awhile now, but I never post in it.  let me know if you made me a friend and maybe I'll post extra special things there.

You should also read Steve's post about El Tesoro.  It can be found directly below this post on the homepage.  Steve likes El Tesoro because it is very tasty.

Lastly, after seeing Friday's comic, it would tickle me pink if I found people speculating about the plot over in the reactions ( forum.
Title: BrAAaIIiiinNsss! (And Incentive News)
Post by: Dasha on April 25, 2006, 08:11:29 AM
I have a livejournal that I haven't posted to since 2002, and everything in it is fiction. Not as in, I posted stories, as in, writing posts about a life that doesn't exist... the same thing many other LJ authors do only moreso.

Just thought I would note that. I also have a deadjournal, which is, obviously, less lively than my live one.