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Fodi: The Forums => News => Topic started by: Matt on November 11, 2005, 07:06:45 PM

Title: Oh No, Robot!
Post by: Matt on November 11, 2005, 07:06:45 PM
Some awesome ( guys (, made a nice comic indexing/search engine dealio that lets you search the comic text of any comic that has been subscribed.

But I need your help! Without it the robot will destroy the universe.  To help save our world and the worlds of other sentient space beings, please click the Transcribe Comic links you find while plodding through the archives in your vigilant quest.

Hit enter once after each speech bubble, and twice after a panel.  I'd like it if you entered the character's name who is speaking each piece of dialogue.  Just the name, followed by a colon and then a space will be sufficient.  Thanks for helping!

At the moment, you can search the archive of all transcribed comics using the search form at the very bottom of every page (except possibly the forum).  It is a very ugly search box.  I will fix it when I get time.
Title: Oh No, Robot!
Post by: Dasha on November 12, 2005, 03:43:47 AM
How can you tell when it's been transcribed? I did one, and I'll probably hit a few more at random when I have some time.
Title: Oh No, Robot!
Post by: Matt on November 12, 2005, 07:36:51 AM
If the transcribe this comic icon shows up, it means that a comic hasn't been transcribed. (or that a transcription for it is pending approval).
Title: Oh No, Robot!
Post by: Dasha on November 12, 2005, 08:33:26 AM
I really need a hobby. Transcribing comics is slightly more fun than doing laundry.  :boohoo:
Title: Oh No, Robot!
Post by: Shawna on November 12, 2005, 06:29:52 PM
Quote from: "Matt"
Some awesome ( guys ( Made a nice comic indexing/search engine dealio that lets you search the comic text of any comic that has been subscribed.

But I need your help! Without it the robot will destroy the universe.  To help save our world and the worlds of other sentient space beings, please click the Transcribe Comic links you find while plodding through the archives in your vigilant quest.

  Wow, what a spiffy robot...   I hope it doesn't destroy the world though.  :wink:

Quote from: "Dasha"
Transcribing comics is slightly more fun than doing laundry.

  What?  Are you saying laundry is super fun?  That's how *I* like to spend my lovely Saturday evening. :P