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Fodi: The Forums => News => Topic started by: Matt on July 04, 2005, 11:04:58 PM

Title: Los Fuegos Artificiales + Web Comic Battle
Post by: Matt on July 04, 2005, 11:04:58 PM
My birthday was good; I'm glad most of the US celebrated.  The fireworks at Grove City weren't too bad. The meat of them was fairly mediocre, but they put up an awesome finale, which was cool.  We got to walk to them with our collapsable, zip-up blanket thingy. I highly recommend such things.

I got to eat yummy cheesecake with strawberry swirl, and play a new video game. So far Tales of Symphonia on gamecube is rockin'.  Battle system reminds me of Star Ocean 2, only the fights aren't spychotically hard so much.

I also have a comic battling at Web Comic Battles ( today.  Vote through all the fights until you see my insane clown.  Then vote for him, because the competition is not so much good.  If I win, I continue on to kick more ass tomorrow.

I also updated the site title and made a spiffier donate button. Now your resistance is, as they say, futile.

I hope you have a day filled with candy bunnies, but if not, try to weild a taser at a flying cow.
Title: Los Fuegos Artificiales + Web Comic Battle
Post by: Dasha on July 05, 2005, 04:17:39 PM
Yeah, the competition on that one rather sucks, doesn't it? It's one of those "I really like Gary Larson, but I can't find the funny" comics. And yet he's gotten a lot of votes.

But I hate to say it, when it gets to fighting the Batman one, I don't know if I can vote for yours. That one's funny as hell.  :doh:
Title: Los Fuegos Artificiales + Web Comic Battle
Post by: Matt on July 06, 2005, 06:03:23 AM
When it gets to the Batman one, *I* don't know if I can vote for me :oops:. Crun's pop rocks one (from car v. motorcycle) came close to beating it, so maybe I actually have a chance, but until then, I'm hoping I can avoid having to fight batman.

Edit: I just noticed today that the Jack and the beanstalk dumb comic was done by the same guy that did the batman v. obvious comic. Total polar funny opposites.
Title: Los Fuegos Artificiales + Web Comic Battle
Post by: Dasha on July 06, 2005, 07:35:24 PM
Yeah, I noticed that too. I checked that guy's site out too... and when he's funny, he's hilarious, but when he misses the mark, it's horrible.
Title: Los Fuegos Artificiales + Web Comic Battle
Post by: Matt on July 06, 2005, 08:05:15 PM
I find it funny that his safe sex comic on the battle site lost to his batman one.  This is why I'm only going to have one of mine up at a time.
Title: Los Fuegos Artificiales + Web Comic Battle
Post by: Dasha on July 06, 2005, 10:27:15 PM
I'm considering drawing something and putting it up there just to skew the results. Since I'm not all that funny and my drawing skills are lacking, I'm pretty sure I'd lose. But it'd be amusing to see how badly I'd pan.  :mrgreen:
Title: Los Fuegos Artificiales + Web Comic Battle
Post by: Matt on July 07, 2005, 06:09:04 AM
Ah crap. losing 10 to 20 to batman. Damn you, batman!
Title: Los Fuegos Artificiales + Web Comic Battle
Post by: Dasha on July 07, 2005, 07:45:35 PM
I gave it a tie. I was torn between the conflicting emotions of loyalty + clown joke and awesome villain humor.

Eve was weak! Say it! Eve was weak!
Title: Los Fuegos Artificiales + Web Comic Battle
Post by: Steve on July 07, 2005, 08:50:49 PM
Quote from: "Dasha"
Eve was weak! Say it! Eve was weak!

No, Eve was dumb. Adam was weak.  :wink:  :doh: