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Fodi: The Forums => News => Topic started by: Matt on July 04, 2005, 09:47:18 AM

Title: Birthday + Guest Strip
Post by: Matt on July 04, 2005, 09:47:18 AM
Today is my brithday!  Feel free to shower me with presents to celebrate the 24 years of life I've managed to eke out in the desert wastes while creating this comic by carving on rocks and coloring them with exotic dyes.  If you appreciate all this tough work, the best gift (besides money) would be to start up voting for my comic as often as you visit.  We're off to a much stronger start this month, and you guys are awesome because of it. Thanks!

I also have a guest comic up at Muffin Time ( today. Go check it out.
Title: Yaay Matt's Birthday!
Post by: Shawna on July 04, 2005, 05:40:40 PM
Happy Birthday Matt!  I hope your birthday is filled with cheese cake and fireworks.  :)  Happy 24th!
Title: Birthday + Guest Strip
Post by: Matt on July 04, 2005, 09:59:18 PM
Thanks.  There were both cheesecake and fireworks.  You must be psychic. :shock:
Title: Birthday + Guest Strip
Post by: Shawna on July 06, 2005, 01:15:38 AM
Quote from: "Matt"
Thanks.  There were both cheesecake and fireworks.  You must be psychic. :shock:

Well, at least I'm not psychotic.  :)  I figured there'd be fireworks, since, heck, it is your birthday!  And, since when I met you, you introduced yourself as "I'm Matt, and I like cheese," you might also like cheesecake.   :D

I'm actually in California right now, and my mom and I watched the fireworks here in Marina del Rey and they sucked be-hind.   :tsktsk:  The "marine layer" they have (aka, constant clouds) caused all the normal-height fireworks to turn into a simple red and/or blue and/or green glowing cloud.  Good thing the giant crowd didn't turn violent since they sucked so bad - lord knows they have enough violent excitement out here.  :)  Good thing I saw freaking awesome ones in disneyland - did you know they have smiley faced fireworks, and ones shaped like stars and hearts?  They rock!  I even saw cube shaped ones on tv.  I want to see pyramid shaped ones now.  :)  (I am such a dork...)

Well, that's all for my rant.  Glad your birthday went well!
Title: Birthday + Guest Strip
Post by: Matt on July 06, 2005, 06:05:31 AM
My uncle lives in Marina Del Rey. Mmmm... pricey!

Cheesecake is all gone now :(

Ours just fired out too few in a set. And anytime they set off low-height fireworks, they were mostly hidden behind the trees. There was one spew of them near the end where a guy near us commented, "Well, that sure sounded pretty." But yeah, the finale was like, "Let's set off the same number of fireworks that we set off in the past half hour, all within a one-minute timespan!" It was badass.
Title: Birthday + Guest Strip
Post by: Shawna on July 06, 2005, 12:06:50 PM
Quote from: "Matt"
My uncle lives in Marina Del Rey. Mmmm... pricey!

No kidding...  (
  it (the lovely home featured in the link) may not be in Marina Del Rey, but I suppose it kinda points out the craziness of this area.  I'm glad to be going home tomorrow, where you can buy a whole home for the price of some cars.   :P
Title: Birthday + Guest Strip
Post by: The Dark Agent on July 07, 2005, 04:14:11 AM
This is The Agent speaking...

Happy belated birthday Matt.  Would've said so sooner but our phone has been out since July 3rd, hence I didn't connect....even if the service is a crappy dial up.  Anyway, I blew up a small 3rd world country with my fireworks in honor of you.
Title: Birthday + Guest Strip
Post by: Matt on July 07, 2005, 06:10:08 AM
And you still didn't vote. :evileye:

Erm, I mean. Thanks!  I'm sure the third world country was pleased.