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Fodi: The Forums => News => Topic started by: Matt on May 15, 2005, 11:54:26 AM

Title: Voting
Post by: Matt on May 15, 2005, 11:54:26 AM
I went ahead and fixed the one-click for TopWebComics, so now you can all be slightly lazier again. Hooray! I also added a vote button for killboredom, so that you can be slightly less lazy. Boo!  But since buzzComix seems to be continuously FUBAR'd, you can thus beslightly lazier again. Yay!  I'm all about catering to laziness.

I'll work on a TWC incentive at some point. TWC seems to be highly sucky now that they screwed up their old site and had to remake it using a 40% complete crap new site that only shows the top 50 comics on the front page.  So now you all have to go and vote to get me to the top 50 just so that people can be lured in by my big comic description.  What a pain.

In other news, Bev ( has got some great stuff going on with Chooken, so check it out, unless you don't like violence.  It's quality work though. Boot_Error ( has also been darn classy lately. Lastly, if you're looking for zombies, Mark ( has got some white hot zombie action going on.