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Fodi: The Forums => Off The Beaten Path => Topic started by: Lindsay on April 30, 2005, 04:05:12 PM

Title: Graduation Gifts
Post by: Lindsay on April 30, 2005, 04:05:12 PM
Last night my brother approached me about a graduation gift. He kept hassling me to find out what I want. I honestly haven't given it any thought. The only thing I had specifically requested (other than a laptop which I'm getting) I have since found out I cannot have in my dorm. Granted, that was like $70 so that's $70 saved (except not really because I will have one).  

Anyway, I told him that I didn't know what I wanted or what I would need & so that maybe money would be the best way to go. He said that'd be ok but he hates giving money; he likes people actually having something to remember him by. He then suggested taking me out shopping & giving me 3 hours to get anything I wanted & he'd buy it. I kind of like this. However, I know he'll be ridiculously poor by the end. I mean, he has the money to spend but I'd feel bad making my brother poor. So I doubt this'll happen (though that'd be AMAZING). Anyway, should I go for the money or for a gift? And if a gift, any ideas??
Title: Graduation Gifts
Post by: Dasha on May 01, 2005, 09:36:27 PM
Tell him to buy you a Visa gift card, because then you can decide later what you want to get when you need it.
Title: Graduation Gifts
Post by: Lindsay on May 02, 2005, 05:17:39 AM
Heh. We all went out to dinner last night & we discussed it while we were eating. I told him that he could buy me a dvd player & my dad could buy me a television. My brother seemed saddened, though. He said he was looking to spend like $400 or $500. I also threw out the idea to buy me a Lovesac. However, this did not go over well. My father now thinks I'm a hussie in the making (I suppose any father would be reluctant to buy his baby girl something called a Lovesac)... when in reality I just want a flipping Lovesac because they're comfortable (and expensive, but whatever). I'm GOING to have a Lovesac one way or another. It'll just be the first $400 I spend once I graduate. And then I'll be poor. But I'll have a Lovesac, so poverty is ok.
Title: Graduation Gifts
Post by: Steve on May 02, 2005, 05:47:06 AM
What is a lovesac?  :wink:

... have him buy you a cell phone. And pay for the year of service :mrgreen: Or if he wants to spend $500, have him get you a TV. There is a nice Philips 30" Widescreen HDTV "monitor" (you'd have to get something seperate to tune HD signals) for about that.
Title: Graduation Gifts
Post by: Lindsay on May 02, 2005, 06:11:08 AM
The greatest thing in existence, that's what.

Hmmm. I dunno. I get whatever they get me. And I heard the TV reception in many of the dorms kinda sucks, or something like odd numbered rooms have bad reception in one dorm. I dunno. It's weird. But I wanted a dvd player so I could have movie fests because I'm me & that's what I do.  :P Granted, I have like.. 3 dvds total, but if I have a dvd player I'll have more incentive to become poor buying dvds. And the cell phone thing... I've been working on him. I dunno if it's gonna happen. He brought up the issue of me losing it or breaking it. I have yet to come up with a good argument for that because well, it's true... there's a decent chance I'll get a cell phone, though. Maybe. Hopefully.
Title: Graduation Gifts
Post by: Steve on May 02, 2005, 10:33:39 AM
Get the insurance on your phone. It costs more up front ($50? $80?) but they will give you a new phone for free if it is lost, broken, or stolen.

And yes. The lovesac rocks.