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Fodi: The Forums => News => Topic started by: Matt on April 13, 2005, 09:20:36 AM

Title: Fodi/New Beginning
Post by: Matt on April 13, 2005, 09:20:36 AM
As I'm sure you noticed, we've started the archives anew.  This is so that we can hopefully form a more cohesive style throughout the future of the strip, and also so that new readers aren't scared off when they hit First Comic and see the horrid mess it was back then.  Expect a new reader's guide soon, as well as better descriptions and explanations on the Fodi Classic main page.

I'd also like you guys to help me out.  If you could go through the archives and point out fairly specific sections of plot that were important to the development of Lara, Sally, The Bald Ninjas, and say... Angela and Bill (Linux Guy), that'd be a big help.  I'm thinking to add to the classic bit a section showing where you can find parts of backstory for the characters in case a reader is interested in it.  There's not a lot of backstory that will be vital for the future of planned comics, so this will be more for an added extra info bonus to those who are so inclined as to be interested.

I've also got a new incentive art up at TopWebComics.  It's a HiRes panel from one of these new first three comics.  If you like this sort of thing, let me know and I'll have more as incentives.
Title: Fodi/New Beginning
Post by: Dasha on April 14, 2005, 10:09:29 AM
*slogs off to look through the archives again*
Title: Fodi/New Beginning
Post by: The Dark Agent on April 18, 2005, 02:44:53 AM
This is The Agent speaking...[/i]

Damn that's a big panel.  Big cockroach. :shock: